Kosciusko Habitat plans on building Warsaw home entirely with women
This post was provided by News Now Warsaw
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw
WARSAW — For the first time ever, Habitat for Humanity of Kosciusko County is planning to construct a new house relying on women.
In a few months, Habitat for Humanity of Kosciusko County’s annual Women Build is planning to build and fund an entire home for a single mom in Warsaw, according to a news release from the organization.
Ben Logan, Habitat’s executive director, said the local Women Build program has only grown more popular since it was restarted in 2022.
“The Women Build has a lot of potential. It’s always been very very popular. We just need to find a way to scale it to the point where we can build a whole house, and we are really confident that that community is really going to latch on to this,” Logan said.
Not only will teams of women volunteers come together to build the home, but they will also play a part in raising money to fund the project. Each Habitat home is funded by local
donations, so each team will raise money to help support the overall project.
“It truly is amazing to see women from across the county come together to make homes like this one possible,” says Stacy Price, a Habitat board member and chair of the events team. “I have personally participated each year, and the Women Build is always a blast. It’s such a great way for people to come together, give back, and build a stronger community.”
Habitat is still recruiting women to serve as team leaders: individuals who recruit a team of 10-12 women and lead them in their volunteering and fundraising efforts. Teams can be comprised of coworkers, friends, activity groups, and more. No construction experience is required. Those interested in serving as a team leader should email women@kosciuskohabitat.org to learn more.
Logan estimates they will need 20-25 groups of women to succeed.
He said he believes women have a special connection with the volunteer program.
“I think it’s a very meaningful event to see so many women from across the county … and what we’re seeing are strong women build strong communities,” Logan said.
Habitat in Kosciusko County plans to construct three homes in 2025. One is in Mentone, and another is near the Salvation Army office in Warsaw.
A start date and location for the third home of the year (in Warsaw) has not yet been announced.
To learn more about the Women Build, visit kosciuskohabitat.org/womenbuild.
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